How do You Start a Budget?

Budgeting is the key to your child’s financial stability. This brief video will help guide and motivate your child (or yourself!) to get started on developing a budget today.

Is an ILIT right for you and your family?

There are many types of trusts that can provide financial advantages for you and your family. Some offer control of how and when your assets will be distributed to your heirs. Others create tax efficiences by positioning assets outside of your taxable estate. An ILIT...

The War for Your Wallet

There’s a war being waged today in the streets of America, and sadly, many of us are losing the fight. It’s the war for your wallet – the conflict of wants vs. needs. How can you spend more wisely and start saving for tomorrow? Check out this 2-minute video for...

How to Save for Retirement

There are over 100 million people working in America today. Many dream of retiring some day. Financial security in retirement doesn’t just happen – it takes planning and commitment, and yes, it takes money. Here are some planning tips in this short...

How to Reduce Debt

For thousands of years, people have borrowed money to buy things. It’s how the banking business started. Debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you’re not reducing debt faster than you’re accumulating it, then debt can be a disaster to your...