
It’s Our 9th Anniversary…Thank You!

Nine years ago, on a Friday on September 11, 2015, we, Theresa Bell and I, started E2E Financial, LLC working from the dining room table at my house. We knew moving to independence to better serve our clients and new clients was the right move. We didn’t know if our...

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How to Start Your 2024 Tax Planning NOW.

Happy Labor Day weekend! As we kick off the unofficial start of fall, reminder that NOW is the best time to get your 2024 tax planning done. Proactive tax strategies can help you potentially put more money in your pocket and minimize your tax liability. Your CPA,...

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School’s In. Thank a Teacher!

In my part of the country, it’s back to school time. Made me think back to my childhood. As some of you may know, my father, Alberto Romero, was a college professor and high school teacher. I am also blessed to have my youngest daughter, Isabelle, follow in his...

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Investment Markets Sink. What to Do…

I understand the concerns during these crazy markets like today. I know it is not fun. Seeing markets gyrate makes for an emotional roller coaster. You have lived through this before (think 2020 COVID, 2008 great recession, 2000 internet crash). Please keep the faith!...

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How Elections Move Markets

How much do elections impact the stock market and portfolio returns? Should elections even matter to long-term investors in the first place? These are the questions investors and financial professionals are facing as we approach November 5. To provide answers, Capital...

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Buying Cars Has Changed a Lot…Again!

Back in July 2023, I wrote follow up post about buying cars in the early days post pandemic. That was at a time when the supply of both new and used cars was very low and prices were high. Fast forward to today, MANY things have changed: The availability of most cars...

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Inflation is Falling but Stalling

US economic growth much depends on the path of inflation. The U.S. economy has continued to grow in the face of elevated inflation and a federal funds rate currently at a 23-year high. It now sits in a range of 5.25% to 5.50%, up from near zero roughly two years ago....

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