Upcoming end of Coronavirus Relief may swing markets. Be ready.

This is the week to expect lots of market volatility. The primary focus will be on extending the Coronavirus Relief weekly $600 extra unemployment payment under the CARES Act which is set to expire the Friday 7/31. The Democrats want to extend the program as is, and...

Strategies for Market Volatility

When markets are volatile, sticking to a long-term investing strategy can be a challenge. However, there are things you can do to keep market turbulence from distracting you from your goals. Find out some tips in this 3 minute video. Need help building a strategy...

Shape Up Your Financial Plan

How healthy is your business? It’s an important question, and in difficult times like these, it’s even more important to reassess. Whether its about growing your business, reviewing and training staff, reviewing your CPA, attorney, insurance agent(s),...

Taking a Financial Inventory

Taking your financial inventory can be done by anyone at any time. It’s the first step to getting your financial house in order, whatever life stage you’re in. Check out this video to help get you started. Looking for help getting started, or looking for a...

You Got This.

We’re here to help you determine and pursue your unique financial goals. Check out this video to see how we can work together to overcome your current financial challenges.