Market Week: February 8, 2021

Stocks had their best day in several weeks last Monday, recovering some of the losses following the prior week’s sell-off.

Market Week: February 1, 2021

Equities were mixed to begin last week. The Global Dow (-0.6%), the Russell 2000 (-0.3%), and the Dow (-0.1%) lost value.

Taxes may be going up. Here are 3 Tax Free Income Options

As the US government is helping citizens and companies survive during these tough times, expect that in the near future, taxes could go up. It’s time to think of sources for tax-free income. Here are three: ROTH Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): After tax...

3 Mistakes Investors Make During Presidential Election Years

Investment markets have been quite volatile during 2020. And now comes the presidential elections on November 3rd, 2020. Politics can bring out strong emotions and biases, but investors would be wise to put these aside when making investment decisions. Be sure to...

Investing in Yourself

Owning your small business has afforded you the benefit to design the life and life the lifestyle of your choosing.Although calling the shots is not always easy, being your own boss is one of your greatest accomplishments. But have you planned for the life...