One of the key areas we help our clients with is setting and achieving their retirement. Today I'd like to discuss this topic from a different perspective. Financial preparedness is key! If you'd like a second opinion on your retirement goal and retirement...
Do you know the differences in stock indexes? What does “The stock market” mean?
You may have seen/heard on the news that “the market went up/down….” What does “the market” mean in the US? Typically they are referring to either the Dow Jones Industrial Index (aka “the Dow Jones”) or the Standard & Poors 500 index (aka “S&P 500”). The key...
U.S. Government Debt: We Need to Talk
One topic we’ve been discussing at client meetings is the increase in the US Debt. Is it a concern? Can it become one? The current answer is it is not a current concern, but it could become one. Here is Darrell Spence’s, economist at Capital Group, take. “One question...
Year-End Tax Planning Part 2
We are just over 2 months from the end of 2023! It’s important to do some planning now. Action now can minimize taxes that you owe for 2023. Things to consider: Defer as much income into your 401k plan as you can by 12/31/2023 payroll. The maximums for 2023 are...
Will the U.S. Economy Avoid a Recession Next Year?
It is still a close call on whether the economy will enter a recession or not, but JP Morgan does believe slow growth is the most likely outcome, while risks for a mild recession remain. From our partners at JP Morgan….. “As the U.S. economy enters the fourth quarter,...
Stocks Take a Pause in the 3rd Quarter 2023
We are now in the final three months of 2023. No pumpkin anything for me…thank you! (except carving. I do like to carve them.) Stock markets did not perform in the third quarter of this year. Only two investment segments were up for the quarter: commodities and cash....
As the Fed Pauses, What’s Next for Inflation and Rates?
Are we there yet? No one can say for sure. The Federal Reserve once again hit pause on interest rates at its September meeting but left the door open for at least one additional hike in 2023. The most important question for investors now, however, is not how high will...
The Best (and Worst) States to Retire to in 2023
If you are looking to retire in the next few years, you may wonder, “where would it cost me less to retire?” took a look at the topic, basing their rankings on: affordability (40%), overall well-being (25%), quality and cost of healthcare (20%), weather...
Happy Birthday to E2E Financial!
On this day we remember all who were lost and those affected for life because of the September, 11, 2001 attacks in New York City, Washington, DC and United Flight 93 over Pennsylvania. We will never forget. On a happier note…. It was 8 years ago today, that we made...
Might be Time to Lock in a High-Yield Rate
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has mentioned that interest rates may be raised “if appropriate." Many of the top fixed income managers believe we have hit the top of interest rates. If you have already taken our advice to put your extra savings in a high...