Theoretical bond math shows that when rates rise, bond values decline. But reality isn’t so simple.
Your Financial Plan on Track for the New Year?
As the new year approaches, our thoughts often turn to where we are and where we’re going.
Savings Ideas on Cyber Monday and Beyond
Happy Cyber Monday! Here are two of our favorite places to find deals: Rakuten and Brad’s Deals.
A Peek at Peak Inflation
After an upside inflation surprise in October, it’s clear that peak inflation may still be ahead, possibly even pushing into 2022.
An October to Remember!
Stocks had their best month of the year and best October in six years.
Check Your Spare Tire (& Your Portfolio)
Last Monday was a day I’d rather forget. Nothing serious mind you but…. those who know me know that I’m pretty meticulous about keeping my car serviced and ready for most things that can go wrong.
Inflation: Transitory or Troublesome?
Of all the fears investors have faced over the past 30 years, high inflation wasn’t among them. In 2021, that’s changed.
Staggering 50 Percent of Small Business Owners Report Job Openings They Can’t Fill
The number of unfilled job openings has remained far above the 48-year historical average of 22%.
Beyond the FAANGs: Tech Savvy Companies in Non-Tech Sectors
Since long before COVID, leading tech companies have been the primary focus of market attention — for good reason.
It’s Our Birthday!
It was 6 years ago, on September 11th, that we made our move to become an independent financial planning and coaching firm.