The U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate

We have included a summary of the U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate article written by Lord Abbett. The full article can be found here. Investors, and the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), are increasingly focused on the looming showdown over the U.S. budget and the statutory limit...

Owning Dental Commercial Real Estate

Passive Dental Income Ideas: Owning Dental Commercial Real Estate In our last Dental Insights newsletter, we asked you to vote on which passive income ideas you wanted to hear more about. The top response was “Owning commercial real estate”. We believe this is one of...

Why Market Timing Doesn’t Work

2023 has been quite the volatile investment market. The S&P 500 was up 6.18% in January, down -2.61% in February, up 3.51% in March and slightly up 1.46% in April. You might be tempted to time the market on when you buy. In the immortal words of Grandmaster Flash...

Market Week: May 15, 2023

Following the Federal Reserve’s (Fed’s) decision to raise the federal funds rate to a range of 5.00%-5.25%, investors scoured April’s CPI report and the 1Q Senior Loan Officer Survey in an attempt to get a sense of the Fed’s next steps.

E2E Alert! SIM Swapping

  E2E Alert! SIM Swapping. What happened to one of our clients… We had a scary call from one of our clients last Friday. She had her cell phone data stolen and one of her bank accounts hacked and money taken. Things are now under control but it is a reminder to...