Happy 2024! Info and 3 Key Steps to Make it Great!

It is the start of a new year! We, at E2E, wish you and yours good health, happiness and prosperity. To that end, take a look at my 2 minute video on 3 key steps to take now. You can find the 2024 updated tax rates and retirement plan numbers and info here. Thank you...

Merry Christmas from E2E Financial

From all of us here at E2E Financial, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Check out our video greeting! Reach out for any end of year questions.

Tax Rates Set to Expire. Are YOU Ready?

Many of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 provisions which reduced income taxes for all of us are set to expire December 31, 2025 if congress does not vote to extend them. Given the poor job the US Congress does to take action and the historically high US debt:...

Giving to a Good Cause? Do Your Research.

It’s the holiday season. You and/or a family member may be inclined to give to a charity (see one of my favorite charities, PAWS Atlanta, above!). My parents enjoyed giving to charity, especially later in life. They sent checks to many charities. When they gave, they...