Actuaries gone wild! The Long Term Care Insurance story…

1/22/2018 You never thought you’d see “actuaries” and “wild” in the same phrase, did you? You’re welcome! The Wall Street Journal recently reported, on what we told about back in June 2017, long term care insurance (LTCi) rates are skyrocketing due to (wild?)...

2017: The Investment Year That Was…..

/2/2018 Welcome to 2018! In 2017 equity investment markets were quite strong! Read all about it in this week’s newsletter. I look forward to chatting with you during your 1st quarter market updates where we review the 2017 markets in more detail. Sneak peek at some of...

What do you do when the US market goes down 1.5% at 11:30 am?

12/11/2017 Hope you are making it a great week! We have had a lot of news in December that has sent investment markets on wild gyrations with tax reform, Russia investigation, government shutdown news on-going. We anticipate gyrations will continue. When news sends...

Andres Romero’s latest travels

11/7/2017 It’s been a busy few weeks for Andrés! October 17th and 18th , Andrés attended the Academy of Dental Management Consultants ( ADMC ) national meeting, immediately followed by the American Dental Association ( ADA ) national meeting on October 19 th !...

Keep hope alive. Here’s how you can help…

10/3/2017 A lot of sad news around the world the past few weeks – the Las Vegas shootings; Hurricanes Maria and Harvey and their impact in Puerto Rico, The Caribbean, Texas, Florida; and many more places too long to list, including the earthquakes in Mexico,...