Dentists’ Mid-Year Financial Check Up

Happy mid-year 2024! (almost 😉) How is your year going? Here are our 3 key areas to help you assess your 2024 so far.

Have you reviewed your current (hopefully March or April 2024) profit and loss statement?

This would be the dental CPA reviewed (not the one generated by your QuickBooks software) statement.

Having this info showing your current month’s collections and expenses, along with year to date, AND comparing it to YTD 2023 are crucial to your success for 2024.

If you have that it, how are you trending? Need to see if your P&L is in a dental format to help guide you? Reach out we can help.

Are you maximizing your 401k plan contributions?

Look at your most recent paystub.

Are you on pace to contribute the maximum $23,000 by your last payroll of 2024? If you are age 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $7,500.

Not sure or need help on your 401k or to set one up? We can help.

Are you meeting with your advisor team (specifically dental CPA and financial coach) on a regular basis?

We recommend monthly. Quarterly at a minimum.

Meeting with your team on a regular basis dedicates that time to think about your business and goals. That investment of time will mean the difference between reaching success that you deserve or hoping you’ll get there.

We hope you are on track! If you need to review any or all of these areas, reach out! We have 20+ years in helping dentists make their financial goals a reality.