The fundamental question of how much life insurance to buy can only be answered when we know what it is exactly we are protecting. While its purpose is to protect your life, only you can determine what that might be worth to your family. Your vision of a “good life”...
Understanding Investment Risk
All investors – be they conservative, moderate or aggressive – need to understand that the level of returns they expect to generate is directly related to the amount of risk they are willing to assume – the higher the return, the higher the amount of risk one needs to...
How Confirmation Bias Could be Hurting your Investment Performance
Have you made up your mind on just about everything, even before you know what it is? For instance, when you meet someone, is your opinion of the person formed from the first impression? Or, when you hear a political argument from the other side, is your mind opened...
Should you pay off debt, or save for retirement? Both?
Should you pay off debt, or invest for retirement? That’s an excellent question. They’re both very important financial goals. Check out this 3 minute video to help you understand what may be best for you. Time for a second opinion? Reach out, we’re here to...
Why have investment markets gone down 6.94%, up 1.79%, down 9.18% and up 7.87% in the last 4 months? (Hint: Uncertainty)
Why has the US stock market (represented by the S&P 500) gone down 6.94% in October, up 1.79% November, down 9.18% in December and up 7.87% January? (source: ycharts) Or in other words, why has the S&P 500, and most other stock markets around the world, been...
Want to save $600 per year? Read this email. (Your cable/satellite TV bill)
The average monthly cable TV bill is $85 and the average satellite TV bill is $100 according to Leichtman Research Group. How does free sound? You can watch the major networks (+ many more) free by installing a TV antenna. A simple rabbit-ear antenna works but if you...
Saving Versus Paying Off Debt
Saving versus paying off debt is an age-old quandary that has plagued people since the advent of consumer debt. Pose this question to a group of financial planners and the responses will be split, roughly down the middle. While there might be as many advocates for...
Finance Lessons for Your Teen
The current economic environment has caused most everyone to reconsider their personal finances with many people having to drastically change their spending and savings habits. Out of this economic malaise may come an opportunity to finally instill the right habits in...
New England Patriots are like successful long term investing (sorry!)
I got to thinking about this weekend’s Super Bowl. The predictions were that it was going to be a high-scoring affair due to the new emphasis on, and success of, offense. The Los Angeles Rams had the new offense focused approach with the young, offensive-minded head...
Retirement Income Planning Requires Realistic Spending Assumptions
If you have read any literature on retirement planning or have received advice from a financial professional, chances are you were presented with the 70% rule, the one that suggests that retirees will need between 70 and 80% of their pre-retirement income in order to...