Can This Stock Market Rally Continue?

Can the Bull Market Continue?

To most people’s surprise, stock markets around the world are up. Market timing is rarely a winning strategy. It’s one of the reasons we encourage investors to develop their own personal investment strategies and stick to them. Our partners at Capital Group discussed the stock market rally around the world:

Talk about surprises. Investors were convinced stock markets would zig this year. So naturally they zagged.

While investors braced for a seemingly inevitable U.S. recession and related market weakness, the S&P 500 Index made a surprising rebound, advancing 16.9% for the six months ended June 30, 2023. Europe and Japan, faced with their own economic challenges, have extended their strong runs as well, climbing 13.6% and 13.0% respectively, as measured by the MSCI Europe and MSCI Japan indexes.

“Markets have a history of surprising investors and showing resilience when circumstances appear bleak,” says Caroline Randall, a portfolio manager for Capital Income Builder®. “The lesson for investors who don’t want to miss these opportunities? Be brave and stay invested in companies that can weather a potential storm.”

Want to learn how to be brave and develop your own personal investment strategy? Reach out for your free investment review meeting. Click here to schedule.

Read more about the continuing stock market rally here.

Your weekly market update is here.