As we close out 2024, one of the most exciting trends shaping the future across multiple industries is the rise of innovation. From health care to technology, these advancements are transforming sectors and creating substantial growth potential. “We are in the...
In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected and continuously learning are key drivers of success—especially in dentistry. At E2E Financial, we recognize the importance of collaboration, which is why we’ve established our Dental Advisory Board. This group of...
I happened to be reading one of my favorite columnists this weekend: Dan Neil. Dan writes the Rumble Seat column for the Wall Street Journal. This weekend Dan wrote a follow up to his 2018 Honda Odyssey review, writing about the soon-to-be-released VW ID.Buzz an...
This week, Andrés attended the ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants) conference where he not only gained valuable insights into the latest challenges in the dental industry but also had the opportunity to speak on Dentistry’s #1 Concern: Finding and...
Stock markets, through a slow start to the third quarter, were mostly up to end the quarter 9/30/2024. The S&P 500 returned 5.9% during the third quarter, bringing its year-to-date (YTD) return to 22.1%. Bolstered by a weaker U.S. dollar, developed international...