The Best (and Worst) States to Retire to in 2023

If you are looking to retire in the next few years, you may wonder, “where would it cost me less to retire?” took a look at the topic, basing their rankings on: affordability (40%), overall well-being (25%), quality and cost of healthcare (20%), weather...

Is Adding an Associate Right for Your Practice?

In a previous Dental Insights discussing passive income ideas, one top voted topic was: “adding an associate to your practice.” We reached out to one of our Dental CPA partner firms, Benchmarks Financial Group and their president and CEO: Joelle Klovanish. With...

Happy Birthday to E2E Financial!

On this day we remember all who were lost and those affected for life because of the September, 11, 2001 attacks in New York City, Washington, DC and United Flight 93 over Pennsylvania. We will never forget. On a happier note…. It was 8 years ago today, that we made...

Might be Time to Lock in a High-Yield Rate

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has mentioned that interest rates may be raised “if appropriate.” Many of the top fixed income managers believe we have hit the top of interest rates. If you have already taken our advice to put your extra savings in a high...

Take Your Dental Practice’s Growth to the Next Level!

E2E Financial is thrilled to announce Andres Romero’s participation as a panelist at the upcoming Powering Dentistry’s Growth: The Definitive Dental HR Conference, hosted by Bent Ericksen & Associates, October 13-14, 2023.